Tuesday, December 22, 2009

12 days of Baby (Christmas)

Mommy and Daddy helped me come up with new words to an old favorite Christmas Carol.
Here they are:
On the First Day of Christmas my Baby gave to me:
1 Droolly Baby
On the Second Day of Christmas my baby gave to me:
2 box of Luvs; and 1 Droolly Baby
(rest of verses)
3 Play Pens
4 Burping Rags
5 Teething Rings
6 Diapers Changing
7 Bottles Warming
8 Baths a Taking
9 Loads a Washing
10 Foods for Feeding
11 Toys for Finding
12 Socks for Matching

Sing this one at your next Holiday gathering!!


We got some snow on Sunday and it was warm out
so Granny decided she wanted to go and try out the new sled she got me.
Here I am waiting in while Granny got her snow suit on.

I had a lot of Fun. Granny pushed me down the small hill
that she had Grandpa make. You can't tell here
but I was Laughing...

Here is how I got around. Granny Pulled me.
We took a tour of the whole yard. Then Granny said
it was getting cold so we had to go in.
I was sad. But she promised me we would go out again

Jesus' Birthday

We put on the story of Jesus' Birthday. I got
to be Jesus. It was lots of fun.
Happy Birthday Jesus!!!

Santa Clause

Mommy and Daddy took me to see this Guy at
Mommies work.
They called He Santa Clause. I liked him
because he was wearing lots of my
favorite color. RED!!

He seemed to like Red too,
so Thought I would show him my shirt.
He thought it was Funny.

First Real Food

I had my first Taste of "Real" Food.
I think Rice cereal is Great.
the only problem was daddy was
not giving it to me fast enough so
I had to Help him

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Tree

We went With Granny and Grandpa
to find a Christmas Tree's.
We found Granny's Tree First.

This one is ours.

Grandpa and Daddy carried it up stairs
this is what it looked like before it was decorated.
Mommy did put our new family Ornament on

Rolling over

Here I am rolling over. As you can see I Like
to roll over my arm.

Apples to Apples

Grandma wanted me to help her play a Apples to Apples,
I just liked holding the Cards and looking at them.
( p.s. my favorite color is red)

Pick this one Grandma.

I Love this color....

What was that one??

NOOOOO Auntie Rachael NOT that one

I Loved playing cards but this can was the best part.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I had a lot of fun playing with mommy and daddy.
They taught me how to play peekaboo.

My Aunt Rachael was teaching me some piano on Thanksgiving. I'm starting out early!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

I did it!!!!!

I did it!!! I rolled over all by myself, on
Thanksgiving Day. Mommy, daddy, Grandma Barb,
grandpa Russ, Auntie Rachael, and Auntie Sarah
all got to see me do it. They were all soooo

First Black Eye

Hi, everyone, Sorry it's been so long since I've
been on we have had a very busy month.
We started out November with me getting my first black eye.
Daddy was holding me by the frig while he made a bottle
and I flung myself forward into the frig. Boy did that hurt.

I helped rake yards for church. It was a lot of fun
mommy even helped me "jump" into the leaves.
I can't wait until next year when I can Jump in by

This is how i look when I'm all relaxed.

He is a pic of Mommy Daddy and I

Here I am trying to roll over. almost got it.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween, Trick or Treat.

I was the lion from "Daniel and the lions" den for Halloween,
mommy and daddy took me out to just a few friends houses
last night , it was daddies first time trick or treating too.
( he went as the Lion tamer)


Pumpkin carving

Align Center
Daddy carved a pumpkin for Halloween
for me, first we cleaned it out,

It felt funny, mommy called it slimy,

Then daddy cut it out.

This is what it looked like when we were done.

Strange things???

Granny had these strange things stetting on her table,

Grandma moved them closer so I could get a good
look at them, and touch them

Grandpa Scott asked if i wanted to kick them,
so i did, every on laughed.

New Things

I have learned how to do a lot of things in the last 10 weeks,

I can Hold my own bottle, but only for Granny and Daddy, not for mommy.

I also learned how to stick my tongue out,
that is lot's of fun and it makes everyone Laugh!!

SMILE!!!! I can giggle too but mommy can't catch
that on tape.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Trip to NY.

Mommy, Daddy, Granny, Grandpa and I went to New York
Last weekend to visit Great Grandma and to say good bye to
Great Grandpa Steve.
This is me with Great Aunt Darlene, and Great Uncle Gary,
My Cousin "aunt" Racheal is Holding me.
Boy was I excited to meet them, I told them all about the 12 hr car ride.

Daddy, Grandpa Scott and Me.
Grandpa Scott's arms are very comfy to sleep in.

This is my cousin "Uncle" Steve. He lives in NC.

My cousin "Aunt" Missy Held me during Great Grandpa's Memorial Service.
My cousin "Uncle" Nathan Looked on.

My Cousin "Aunt" Miranda held me at Great Grandma while
my cousin Adam sang me songs. He told me "he would
take good care of me".

My and Auntie Kay.

This is a 4 Generation Picture of me Mommy, Granny Karen,
and Great Grandma Shirley . My Great Great Grandma Rendell could not
make it or we would have had a 5 Generation Picture.

this is the ride home I did not feel very well.
I had and ear infection.

Mommy up my music on the i-pod and it made me feel better.
It also put me asleep.